Meet Our Volunteers
Learn about Diocesan Representatives, Youth Council and Honorary Associates
Diocesan Representatives
This special network of volunteers connects Anglicans and others to the work of PWRDF partners in Canada and internationally. They represent PWRDF in their dioceses and bring together PWRDF Parish Representatives to engage in the work of PWRDF.
Dioceses of the Anglican Church of Canada
PWRDF Diocesan Representatives are appointed by their Diocesan Council or Diocesan Synod and approved by their Diocesan Bishop. Together with the PWRDF Board of Directors, they comprise the voting membership of the PWRDF Corporation.
To contact your PWRDF Diocesan Representative or to learn more about becoming a Diocesan Representative, please email Kim Umbach.
If you’re interested in getting involved or volunteering within your own parish, please contact your Diocesan Representative below.
Diocese of Algoma – Cathy Pirrie
Diocese of Arctic – vacant
Diocese of Athabasca – The Reverend Terry Francis
Diocese of Brandon – Deb Clevett
Diocese of Caledonia – Camilla Gossom
Diocese of Calgary – vacant
Territory of the People – Joy Gothard
Diocese of Central Newfoundland – Debra Gill
Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador – The Reverend Debbie Pantin
Diocese of Edmonton – Jeff Hanger
Diocese of Fredericton – Deborah Edwards
Diocese of Huron – The Reverend Greg Jenkins
Diocese of Islands and Inlets (formerly Diocese of British Columbia) – Lynn Schumacher
Diocese of Kootenay – Ruth Simpson
Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikweesh – Reverend Ophelia Kam (Kamenawatamin)
Diocese of Montreal – The Reverend Roslyn Macgregor
Diocese of Moosonee – Ruth Corston
Diocese of New Westminster – The Reverend Joseph Dirbas
Diocese of Niagara – Kerry Lubrick
Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island – Chris Pharo
Diocese of Ontario – Sophie Kiwala
Diocese of Ottawa – The Reverend Patrick Stephens
Diocese of Qu’Appelle – Samuel Ferguson
Diocese of Quebec – Stephen Kohner
Diocese of Rupert’s Land – The Reverend Susan Smandych
Diocese of Saskatchewan – Sheryl Kimbley
Diocese of Saskatoon – vacant
Diocese of Toronto – Vacant
Diocese of Western Newfoundland – Dr. Doreen Klassen
Diocese of Yukon – Betty Davidson
Honorary Associates
The Honorary Associate title is given for prolonged and exceptional volunteer service to PWRDF. No more than two individuals are honoured per year. Associates are awarded a certificate at the annual general meeting, to which all Honorary Associates are invited, or they are unable to attend, their bishops will make the presentation in the honorees’ home dioceses. Meet our Honorary Associates.
Youth Council
The Youth Council is a forum for significant dialogue and engagement by and for youth with the wider PWRDF organization. Members participate in developing and sustaining the justgeneration network of Anglican youth throughout Canada to support and promote PWRDF. The Youth Council also has a representative on the PWRDF Board of Directors.
Clare Urquhart, Diocese of New Westminster
Ecclesiastical Province of British Coloumbia Rep
Abuk Deng, Diocese of Qu’Appelle
Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land Rep
Heather Wilks Jenkins, Diocese of Huron
Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario Rep
Emmajane Donnan, Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
Ecclesiastical Province of Canada Rep
Nadia Sinclair, Diocese of Brandon
Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP) Youth Rep
Isacc Chartrand, Diocese of Brandon
Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP) Youth Rep
Hannah Stilwell, Diocese of Nova Scotia/PEI
Promotions Lead
Tessa Muier, Diocese of Calgary
Resources Lead
Robyn Sulkko, Diocese of Ottawa
P&P Liaison
Charlotte Lilley, Diocese of Huron
Member at large
Duncan Chalmers, Diocese of New Westminster
Liaison to the Board
Barr Huether
Board Liaison to the Youth Council
Michael Kvern
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) Rep
The Rev. Val Kerr
Indigenous Knowledge Keeper
Learn more about the PWRDF youth movement.