The Rev. Deborah Pantin
Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
Debbie has a long history of lay ministry in the Parish of St. Thomas’ in her hometown of St. John’s. She completed the Master’s of Divinity program at Queen’s College, was ordained in 2021 and has served as Rector of the Parish of the Holy Trinity, a rural five-point parish on the Avalon Peninsula. While employed in the field of Nursing Education, Debbie worked on three development projects in Central America that focused on training health practitioners through distance education in the hope that they would remain and work in their rural and remote communities after graduation, enhancing access to healthcare for the largely indigenous populations of those communities. Debbie was a director of the Atlantic Council for International Cooperation and has a Bachelor’s degree from Memorial University where she studied English and Spanish. She also loves to bake! Debbie, her husband Richard, and their cat Ollie, love their new life among the good people of the communities they serve. Daughters Cecily and Julia, their spouses and cats complete the Pantin family.