A Light for Every Birth
Give light, give solar
PWRDF’s newest project is bringing light to moms and babies in Mozambique. For most parents-to-be, having light and electricity during their child’s birth is not a second thought, but for many in rural Mozambique giving birth in the dark is a reality. That is where PWRDF comes in.
Working with our partner EHALE in Mozambqiue and California-based We Care Solar, PWRDF is building on our previous work done in 2016 by installing 50 more solar suitcases in rural medical clinics. A solar suitcase is a wall-mounted unit that opens like a suitcase and includes phone charging ports, a portable headlamp and a fetal Doppler to monitor baby’s heartbeat that is connected to a roof mounted solar panel. To see a video walk-through of a solar suitcase please click here!
We are pleased to announce an anonymous donor has come forward with a 1:1 funding match, up to $100,000. The match will apply to donations received between May 26 and September 30, 2021.
Having light before, during and after the birth can greatly reduce the danger to new moms and their babies and allow medical staff to quickly identify and treat any labour problems. The Doppler also helps to quickly identify the fetal heartbeat, which will keep the babies safe during the birth. The cost of running the solar suitcases is next to nothing because the lithium batteries last for years and are powered from the bright sunlight that Mozambique experiences year round.

As we look forward to the warmth of the summer sun and emerging from various stages of lockdown, we can gather hope from knowing that the same sun is shining in Mozambique, powering health clinics. A single solar suitcase costs $5,800. This includes:
- cost of the unit
- transporting the unit to Mozambique
- installing the unit
- replacement batteries
That may be a challenge for many churches to raise. But together we can accomplish a lot.
How can you help?
Share the short video at the top of this e-blast during your online worship or virtual coffee hours. (Contact us if you need to download the MP4).
Add these prayers to your liturgies, announcements or e-blasts
A Collect for Safe Labour and Birth
God who proclaimed, “Let there be light,”who saw that the light was good,who calls us to light and life,be with those women who labour to bringlife into the world in the dark of night. Jesus, who in the beginning was life,‘and that life was the light of all people,’be with the babiesborn of women who labour in the darkto bring new life and light into the world.Spirit who comes like a flame among us,by your light, help us to see youin every labouring mother,in every baby born to light and life.In your name, we pray. Amen.
Options for Prayers of the People
We pray for PWRDF’s Light for Every Birth project, that will enable women in rural Mozambique to labour in the light, even in the dark of night, surrounded and supported by God’s all-embracing light-filled love.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In gratitude, we pray for PWRDF’s Light for Every Birth project, that will enable women in rural Mozambique to labour in the light, even in the dark of night, surrounded and supported by God’s all-embracing light-filled love.
God of light, we give you thanks.