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Where We Work


Emergency Relief

In May 2016, fires ripped through Fort McMurray, Alberta, leading to the loss of homes and livelihoods. The original funds PWRDF gave to the Dioceses of Edmonton and Athabasca helped to resettle those displaced by the fires who fled with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The steering committee is now supporting recovering efforts […]


Emergency Relief

In January 2020, PWRDF launched an emergency appeal for the Australian bushfires, raising more than $20,000.

Bahamas and Caribbean

Emergency Relief

In September 2019, PWRDF released $20,000 to Episcopal Relief and Development to respond to Hurricane Dorian. Read more about parish responses here.


Emergency Relief

Bangladesh is the one of the most adversely affected regions on the planet by climate change. It is projected that, by 2020, 500 to 750 million people will be affected by lack of water caused by climate change around the world. With funds provided by PWRDF, four (each roughly 250 meters long) bamboo bindings (locally […]

Bangladesh Rohingya Response

Emergency Relief

PWRDF contributed to the ACT Alliance appeal for Rohingya refugee crisis response in Bangladesh. From October 2017 through the end of May 2017, ACT members collectively reached out and provided support in the form of food aid to 2,880 households, 75,908 individuals were assisted with protection and psychosocial support. 5,000 households received NFI (non-food items) […]

British Columbia

Emergency Relief

In July 2017, a lightning storm sparked wildfires in British Columbia that led to the evacuation of approximately 14,000 people. PWRDF responded immediately with a grant that was used for food vouchers, toiletries, bus fare, clothing etc. PWRDF funding has also helped keep community centres open like the Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church […]


Emergency Relief

In 2017, there were 285,809 South Sudanese refugees are in refugee camps in Ethiopia. PWRDF allocated $38,600 to improve water access at two refugee camps and two transit centres in the Gambella region serving 750 refugees a week. The project implementer has experience distributing water, sanitation and hygiene programs in the region and is partnering […]


Emergency Relief

Hurricane Irma, a category 5 hurricane, one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded in the Atlantic, made landfall in Haiti´s northern coastline on September 7, 2017. 967 households in four municipalities: Ouanaminthe, Fort-Liberté, Caracol, and Ferrier were supported with 800 food kits, 400 hygiene kits including 400 water filters were distributed.


Emergency Relief

PWRDF partnered with CASA (Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action) to respond to COVID-19 in India. Donors gave more than $44,000. CASA was able to deliver critical supports including distribution of dry rations, cooked food, hygiene kits and unconditional cash transfers. In order to slow the spread of the virus, the hygiene kits contained sanitizer, soap, […]

Palestinian Territories

Emergency Relief

Al Ahli hospital run by the Anglican diocese of Jerusalem provides free medical care for the vulnerable women, men, and children once a week, where the medical team provides medical examinations, diagnostic services, medicine, health education and free transport and light meal for each person. The designated funding was used to treat 220 beneficiaries among […]

South Sudan

Emergency Relief

In February 2017, the Government of South Sudan declared famine in parts of South Sudan. About 4.9 million people (42% of the population) were estimated to be severely food insecure and this was projected to increase to 5.5 million people, (47% of the national population) at the height of the 2017 lean season in July. […]


Emergency Relief

Supporting Ukrainians seeking safety on both sides of the Hungarian border. Read more.


Emergency Relief

PWRDF is supporting seniors seeking safety on either side of the Ukrainian/Moldova border. Read more.


Emergency Relief

Supporting Ukrainians in Kyiv recovering from injury during the war with medical equipment and supplies for first responders, as well as two ambulances. Read more.


Emergency Relief

In June 2019, PWRDF responded to an ACT Alliance emergency appeal for Venezuela.


Emergency Relief

Hunger, disease and bombs are devastating the lives of millions of people as the war in Yemen continues into its fourth year. About 8.4 million people in the country are at risk of starvation. Through the new project, 1,100 vulnerable families will receive vouchers that allow the families some sense of normalcy in how they […]


Emergency Relief

PWRDF is working with other members of Canadian Churches in Action to improve access to clean water for the Sada’a Governorate in Yemen. The Governorate is one of the most affected areas in the country with people drinking from unprotected water sources, leading to a recent spike in waterborne diseases such as cholera. The project […]