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How to make a complaint

PWRDF’s Complaints Policy applies to its activities, programs, services, directors, members, employees and agents.

PWRDF promotes accountable and transparent ways of working. It encourages its directors, members, employees, and agents to address concerns quickly and effectively so that they are resolved to the satisfaction of those concerned and do not progress to the level of a complaint. Any and every complaint will be dealt with promptly, seriously and systematically following the PWRDF procedure for complaints.

For the purpose of this policy, a Concern is an informal communication or question made to PWRDF regarding a person or some aspect of PWRDF’s work and may express a hopeful resolution of the issue. A Complaint is a personal expression of dissatisfaction about the service, action, or lack of action by PWRDF as an organization or a director, member, employee, or agent acting on behalf of PWRDF. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • perceived failure to do something agreed upon
  • failure to observe policy or procedures
  • error made by a staff member/volunteer
  • unfair or discourteous actions/statements by staff member/volunteer

To raise a concern or a complaint, please refer to our Complaints Policy and contact us. Complaints can be submitted by:

  1. E-mail: [email protected]
  2. Post: Attention, Executive Director
    The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund,
    80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON
    M4Y 3G2
  3. Phone: 1-866-308-7973 or (416) 924-9199, ext. 264 (Executive Director)