PWRDF AGM welcomes new board members
September 29, 2021
By Will Postma
PWRDF’s Annual General Meeting took place on Friday, September 24. Diocesan Representatives and Youth Council members joined the Board of Directors for a two-hour Zoom meeting that was live streamed on YouTube. It included an address and Q&A with Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, the General Secretary of the ACT Alliance. Bueno de Faria shared the good work of the ACT Alliance in advocating for climate and gender justice and enhancing dialogue in multi-faith settings and within the United Nations systems. Such dialogue can only help our actions for justice be stronger. PWRDF greatly benefits from its membership in the ACT Alliance. Its humanitarian mechanisms allow us to respond quickly to crises in countries where there are ACT members responding to urgent needs for clean water, temporary shelter, food, counselling and other health care during a sudden-onset emergency.
At the AGM, members approved the minutes of the previous year, accepted the audited financial statements, appointed an auditor for this year and ensured elections were carried out. Charlotte Lilley, Dorothy Russell-Patterson (Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples), Shailene Caparas and Rev. Martha Tatarnic are all joining as new members of our Board and we are looking forward to their ideas and new insights. Valerie Maier, Lillian Scorrar-Olsen and Murray MacAdam were also re-elected for a further three-year term.
We are grateful for their willingness and commitment to PWRDF as we are for all of many volunteers.
We also had the opportunity to recognize and name Sue Heenan as an Honorary Associate of PWRDF. Heenan is the long-time parish representative for St. John the Evangelist in Middle Sackville, N.S. Diocesan representative Chris Pharo nominated Heenan and retired bishop Sue Moxley supported the nomination.
Heenan was praised for her steadfast work in keeping PWRDF in the minds and hearts of parishioners by updating to the parish website, promoting PWRDF’s Offering Envelope Program and sharing PWRDF’s SuperFriends comic book series with the Sunday School children. Each year she invites Pharo to share the work of PWRDF with the parish. Her annual variety show fundraiser is a must-attend event, and she puts her skills as a former businesswoman to good use. She has gathered musicians, choirs, a belly dancer and a magician among others to this event with the support from the greater community, spreading the good work of PWRDF beyond the parish. Heenan gratefully received the award surrounded by her parish family.
We acknowledged departing Board Members Bishop Jenny Andison, Mike MacKenzie, Dan Waterston and Verna Firth. Their commitment and prayers have made PWRDF stronger and has moved us forward as we work towards a truly just, healthy and peaceful world. Even during these last 18 months of a global pandemic, their inputs have been steadfast and encouraging. Bishop Todd Townshend (Huron) continues as the representative of the House of Bishops to the PWRDF Board.
Following the AGM, the new Board met and agreed to an Executive Committee as follows:
- Valerie Maier (Chair)
- John Clarke (Vice-Chair)
- Rev. Canon David Harrison
- Basil Pogue (Secretary)
- Valerie Isaac
- Shailene Caparas (Treasurer)
- Charlotte Lilley
For media requests, please email Communications and Marketing Coordinator Janice Biehn at [email protected].