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PWRDF announces another $50,000 for East Africa emergency response

PWRDF is a proud member of CFGB and ACT Alliance.

March 14, 2017

By Janice Biehn

PWRDF is supporting two more appeals to address the humanitarian crisis in East Africa through our memberships in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank and ACT Alliance.

To address the famine in South Sudan, PWRDF has made a $20,000 contribution to ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) Canada through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. This is further to our contribution of $50,000 to the ACT Alliance appeal for South Sudan and Kenya. ADRA Canada is currently work with ADRA South Sudan, who operates a project in the city of Juba that provides Child Friendly Spaces and school supplies to displaced families there. The schools provide porridge every morning to about 100 students, but teachers have noticed an increase in number of hungry children to about 300.

Today, ACT Alliance announced an appeal to respond to the drought emergency in Somalia and PWRDF has pledged $30,000 to the effort. Somalia’s intense drought is the result of four seasons of inadequate rainfall. This lack of water has devastated crops and livestock, and in the worst affected areas families have no choice but to sell their possessions and borrow food and money to get by. PWRDF’s gift will help ACT Somalia Forum members provide food, water, sanitation, education, health care, cash and livestock to people in need.

Famine, drought and instability continue to be a threat in the area. According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 6.2 million Somalis are currently in need of humanitarian assistance.

You can help by donating to PWRDF Emergency Response here. Or you can also spread the word in your church by downloading this[documents_link docid=”488″ docname=”” link_only=”yes”] bulletin insert.