
PWRDF Development Project
The project targets marginalized people in rural Uganda, especially women and children. ARUWE focuses on food security, nutrition and income generation; rights awareness and leadership education; water, hygiene and sanitation, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS; environmental protection and conservation and promoting access to quality education. The overall goal of the Women’s Sustainable Livelihood Improvement Project is to increase agricultural productivity and access to markets among 250 female farmers to increase food security and incomes. Results at the end of the fiscal year 2017-18 included: 15 farmer village savings groups were establish and began saving, accumulating UGX 36,377,400 (approx CAD 12,846); 542,942 kilograms of maize, beans and soy harvested; average income from maize production UGX 877,044 (approx CAD 310) per farmer; average income from bean production UGX 278,155 (approx CAD 98) per farmer; 40 women were leading their groups through record keeping, and mobilizing members; 9 women acquired their own plots of land; 43 women acquired solar energy for lighting and power.