Democratic Republic of Congo

PWRDF Development Project
Maison Dorcas is part of the Panzi Foundation, established in 2008 by Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Denis Mukwege in South Kivu, where the rate of sexual and gender-based violence is the third highest among 25 provinces of the DRC.
Maison Dorcas was created after the startling realization that 40% to 60% of women treated at Panzi Hospital are unable to return to their homes after medical treatment. This may be because of the extent of their injuries, risk of ongoing violence or the deep stigma attached to victims of sexual and gender-based violence.
Maison Dorcas acts as a transit and safety house for victims of violence and those needing extended medical care. Women at Maison Dorcas continue their healing journey along with other vulnerable women from their communities in a setting where they are safe and heard. They actively participate in their own decision-making, empowering them and building up their self-esteem.