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New campaign supports refugees and IDPs

June 7, 2022

By Janice Biehn

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Do you have a passion for cycling? Baking? Hiking? Reading? No matter what your favourite activity, you’re invited to join the PWRDF Wild Ride and put your stamp on it with your creative participation.

The PWRDF Wild Ride campaign will run until October 8, 2022 in support of our partners who work with refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs).

This is in response to the recent announcement from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees that the number of refugees and displaced persons in the world has surpassed 100 million people, more than any time in human history. Roughly 1% of the world’s population is on the move. From unseaworthy boats in the Mediterranean to La Bestia, a train that refugees and migrants ride north through Mexico, the desperate journeys that refugees take often meet a tragic end.

“It’s a critical time in the world,” says Carolyn Cummins, PWRDF’s Director of Fundraising and Supporter Relations. “Climate change, conflict and famine are all contributing factors that force families to leave their homes. In Ukraine alone, millions of people are affected, but PWRDF is also currently supporting refugees and displaced people in Syria, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kenya and Bangladesh.”

In some ways, COVID-19 and the global pandemic has been its own wild ride, upending the lives of so many in ways we are only beginning to understand.

PWRDF is proud to welcome Canada Helps as our fundraising partner this year. Throughout the summer, participants can join a team or start a team to fundraise for PWRDF. Participants will register for the Wild Ride through a Canada Helps platform that is embedded on our website. PWRDF Wild Ride is replacing Ride for Refuge, which we have participated in since 2014. However, with significant changes being made to that event in 2022, we have decided to organize our own campaign.

During the pandemic, we were encouraged by participants who ventured out on their own to create their own challenge. Those who want to cycle or walk this year can set their own courses. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, will again be lending her considerable musical talents to present two Hymn Sings on Facebook Live on September 20 and 22 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Request your favourite hymn when you make your donation to her campaign!

To learn how other people from across Canada plan to participate in the Wild Ride, attend our launch webinar on Wednesday, June 22 at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. You may be inspired to “put your stamp on it!”