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Good news of great joy

Roseline Mukonoweshuro and Farai Gumisai pictured with Alice Locquiao, PWRDF Director of Finance and Archbishop Anne Germond, the Acting Primate.

December 18, 2024

By Will Postma

The story of the birth of Jesus includes the stories of quite a few others. Simeon taking the eight-day-old baby Jesus in his arms. Anna, 84 years old, living most of her life as a widow, remaining at the temple, worshipping, day and night, fasting, praying and then expressing so much gratitude as she sees Joseph and Mary bringing Jesus to the temple. And there are many more. Elizabeth and Zechariah, shepherds and foreigners, the innkeeper, the angels and a forbidding hierarchy of Roman rulers. All within the story of Joseph and Mary leaving the small village of Nazareth, to participate in the census, all the while following God’s plan for redemption, as per the prophetic and joyful words of Anna.

The story of Jesus’ birth offers hope, peace, love and joy. Good news of great joy for Elizabeth, for the Magi bringing gifts, for all people of all places and generations, including ours today.

In November, I was encouraged by the visits of Roseline Mukonoweshuro and Farai Gumisai, staff with our partner, TSURO (Towards Sustainable Use of Resources Organization), working closely with community members, government and many others to encourage the use of mulching, inter-cropping and organic fertilizer production, essentially caring for the land, water and people of Chimanimani District in Zimbabwe. And caring for the many and growing numbers of livestock.

Seed conservation is part of TSURO’s efforts to address climate change and promote gender equality, helping rural communities adapt and thrive.

Even more reflective of TSURO’s development over the past 20 years as a grassroots organization – taking shape from within the community, from the encouragement of church and traditional leaders – are the very intentional efforts of staff such as Rosaline and Farai to ensure those with disabilities can also contribute to village-based planning and activities such as a seed collection and sharing component. Seed preservation ensures local, tested-and-tried seeds will continue to be available in times of floods, which happened to devastating effect in Chimanimani only a few short years ago.

At the end of this year and in the middle of our Advent Journey, we are grateful for opportunities to learn and make a difference in the lives of our partners in Canada, Zimbabwe and around the world. Bringing people together around possibility, relationship and hope, all of which can increase the likelihood of a better future.

The story of Jesus’ birth is filled with detail, resilience and joy. Indeed, Good News of Great Joy for all people. As a ministry, outreach of the Anglican Church of Canada, PWRDF/Alongside Hope is grateful to contribute to a truly just, healthy and peaceful world, with our partners and with all who contribute and make it possible.

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