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Worship and Devotional

Resources for PWRDF Sunday, World Food Day, World Refugee Day, Lent and Advent

Share or screen this Prayer for PWRDF in your parish.

Lent and Advent resources

Creation Care: Climate Action

The first year of this three-year education focuses on food security. There are several online learning modules designed to be used by individuals or groups.

Year One of the Education Focus

Year Two of the Education Focus

Celebrating Food & Faith Together

As part of our 2021 Creation Care: Climate Action education focus, the Rev. Ken Gray has written a liturgy for use during the Season of Creation, September 1 to October 4, or any time of year. It can be used in whole or in part, for small or large parishes, for online or in-person worship.

Go to resource

A Covenant for Climate Justice

PWRDF Worship Resource 2020

This resource includes two service options: a Holy Eucharist and a Service of the Word. Use the services in whole or in part, ideally around themes of climate action and creation.

Go to resource

Together on a Journey

PWRDF 60th Anniversary Resource

Developed for worship during our anniversary year, this resource includes a timeless Service of the Word and a Eucharist with PWRDF stories and prayers.

Go to resource

Making a Difference

The Youth Council has created Making a Difference, a devotional to encourage young people across Canada to learn more about PWRDF through prayer and reflection and other activities.

Download Making a Difference

Canadian Foodgrains Bank


Many churches are seeing increasing need at their meal centres and foodbanks. Yet, for the majority of people living in Canada, they are able to find food in regular abundance, with a variety of choices, all readily accessible. This is not the case in many places around the world where people have staple foods which they typically eat frequently – everyday or even for every meal, and especially for people in crisis who are eating meals prepared from emergency food rations. This resource includes prayers and ideas for hosting a ration meal event. Download 2023 World Food Day worship resource.


This year’s worship resource includes calls to worship, prayers, benedictions, litanies, music, sermon videos, meditation starters, and other diverse elements for children and youth groups that all focus on addressing the injustice of hunger.

Download 2022 World Food Day worship resource.


The 2020 worship package includes resources to PRAY, GIVE, LEARN and ADVOCATE for an end to global hunger. Perfect for use on the Sunday before Thanksgiving in Canada (Sunday, October 11), or any time! Prayers, songs, litanies, stories, and other features including a children’s activity are all focused on the theme of support for people around the world who do not get enough to eat. Download 2020 World Food Day worship resource.


This 2019 World Food Day resource, prepared by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank with PWRDF, includes resources to pray, give and advocate for an end to global hunger. Perfect for use on the Sunday following Thanksgiving in Canada, or any time! Prayers, songs, litanies, stories, and other features including a children’s activity are all focused on the theme of women’s empowerment and support for all people around the world who do not get enough to eat.

Download 2019 World Food Day worship resource


PWRDF offers a Eucharist setting to help you celebrate World Food Day and to reflect on the importance of food security. PWRDF has partnered with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank to present Open Hands, a resource that can be used for World Food Day or any time.

Download 2018 World Food Day worship resource


PWRDF has partnered with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank to present Room at the Table, a resource that can be used for World Food Day or any time.

Download 2017 World Food Day worship resource

World Refugee Day (June 20)

“Welcoming the Stranger” is designed to help groups “pray, give, learn, and advocate on conflict, migration, refugees and food security.” The resource can be used in part or in whole at any other time of the year.  The “Give” section of the resource features PWRDF’s food assistance work in South Sudan.

Download World Refugee Day (June 20) Worship Resource

If you have any questions about these worship resources, please contact Suzanne Rumsey, Public Engagement Program Coordinator.