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Funds donated to Haiti response eligible for match

August 27, 2021

By Janice Biehn

Funds donated to PWRDF to support earthquake relief in Haiti are being matched by the Government of Canada, it was announced today. 

The government will match every donation made to the Humanitarian Coalition and its members, who include the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. PWRDF is a member of the Foodgrains Bank, and therefore our donations are eligible. The match applies retroactively to funds donated from August 16 until September 3, 2021, up to a maximum of $2 million.

The Matching Fund, created in collaboration with the Coalition, will help Canada mobilize resources to deliver life-saving assistance in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on August 14, 2021. The Government of Canada continues to monitor the situation and remains in close contact with humanitarian partners to assess and respond to evolving needs.

PWRDF has given $25,000 to an ACT Alliance response and continues to be in contact with our partners on the ground.

To have your donation to PWRDF’s Haiti earthquake response matched go to to and click on Emergency Response, or click here, then add “Haiti earthquake” to the notes section. You may also call 416-822-9083, leave a voicemail toll free at 1-866-308-7973, or send a cheque with a memo “Haiti Earthquake” to 80 Hayden St. Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2.

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For media requests, please email Communications and Marketing Coordinator Janice Biehn at [email protected].

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

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Haiti Stories

