Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why did PWRDF change its name?
We have been discussing a possible new name for quite some time. The need was based on three factors:
- The name was not currently reflective of the work which has evolved over 66 years;
- Many people do not know that primate is the word for the head of the Anglican Church and instead associate it with monkeys;
- The length of the name and the long initialism/acronym.
Relief and Development are important terms that have been used in the aid sector for many years. However, they suggest an inequality or top-down approach to support that does not reflect the partnership and learning model that PWRDF practises. We collaborate and listen together with partners around the world, including in Canada. We cultivate partnerships that respond to priorities identified by communities, strengthen communities and make possible longer-term change and relationships including with other partners that join alongside.
Even in complex humanitarian emergencies, we listen to community members as to prioritize needs and not duplicate funding supports that may already be provided. We work with the partners and communities impacted to design a humanitarian response as we also do for longer term programs.
We are also much more than a Fund. We offer supports to partners for project design, reporting, monitoring and evaluation. We value relationships with partners (more than 70 in 2024) that allow all of us to learn from partners and be inspired by their courage and innovations by which they respond to community priorities even in difficult contexts where there is conflict, war and operational challenges too.
We are grateful to our many supporters, donors and volunteers across Canada as well as our members – Youth Council Members, Diocesan Representatives and Board Directors – for their support for PWRDF, now Alongside Hope. While our name is changing, our work and way of engagement and partnership remains the same.
2. Is the relationship with the Anglican Church of Canada changing?
No. The relationship with the Anglican Church of Canada remains constant and important. We continue as an agency of the Anglican Church of Canada. While PWRDF has had its own Board and its own Registration with Corporations Canada and Canada Revenue since 2000, our Tagline says this: Anglicans and partners working for change in Canada and around the world.
We affirm the important support from the Primate, whose position is on our Board as per our By-Laws. Our Board also includes positions representing the House of Bishops, the Anglican Council of Indigenous People and the PWRDF Youth Council. This enables accountability as well as the bringing of insight to ensure PWRDF moves forward as a ministry of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Our Public Engagement work is directed at Anglicans worshipping in churches across the country. Anglican clergy are often asked to contribute to these resources.
3. How do the words Alongside Hope reflect the faith, character and inspiration of the organization?
‘Alongside’ and ‘Hope’ are deeply connected to and reflective of our mission, values and vision.
Our Mission Statement: Inspired by God’s love for all people, Alongside Hope accompanies, learns with, and responds to the priorities of our partners, acting together to improve the well-being of communities.
Our Values: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?”
Our Vision Statement: Working towards a truly just, healthy, and peaceful world.
This theme of partnership or accompaniment is woven throughout the Bible, but the new name task team was drawn to the story of the road to Emmaus. Days after Jesus died, the disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, still grieving their loss. As Luke writes, the resurrected Jesus came alongside them, but they did not know it was him. Jesus travelled with them and then accepted their hospitality to dine with them. In the breaking of bread, their eyes were opened and they recognized him. When we walk alongside one another, Jesus accompanies us. We are strengthened and comforted and recognize Jesus when we share in his feast.
4. How was the new name chosen?
In 2022, the Board of PWRDF mandated a cross-representational Task Team (from the Board, the Youth Council, Diocesan Representatives and other volunteers) to work with staff, and an outside creative agency for the purpose of identifying a new name. The Task Team met frequently from mid-2022 until mid-2024 to offer feedback and suggest words and word combinations that would reflect and resonate with PWRDF members and supporters.
The Ottawa-based creative agency Cyan Solutions spent time learning about PWRDF from volunteers, supporters, Board members and staff. They drew on experience in other creative renaming processes (including the Diocese of Ottawa), and after several months offered six names that were likely available for use, given many charities in Canada and internationally, and given existing copyright in effect.
Task Team members provided feedback on these names resulting in a further short list of names. Three such shortlisted names were brought to the PWRDF Board at a meeting on June 6, 2024 at which time a further process of discussion and shortlisting resulted in the Board selecting the name, Alongside Hope.
Between June and September 2024, further work was spent to develop a tagline, review trademark availability, develop a French-language translation and seek approval for both Alongside Hope and Auprès de l’espoir from Corporations Canada, which has now been received.
Members (the Board, Diocesan Representatives and Youth Council) were presented with the new name at a Special Meeting of Members on September 20, 2024, in accordance with the organization’s corporate bylaws and in the context of a presentation and rationale for the new name.
Watch a video of the new name presentation
On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the membership of The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund met again and approved the new name, Alongside Hope and its French equivalent, Auprès de l’espoir.
5. Will the icon change?

No. The icon was chosen in 2018 as we approached our 60th anniversary, and will continue with the new name to form the logo. The graphic icon represents diversity, inclusiveness and the beauty of stained glass as seen in Anglican Churches in Canada and worldwide. For the next year, the logo will often include wording such as “formerly the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.“
6. Will Alongside Hope be used with an acronym?
No. We will encourage the full use of ‘Alongside Hope’ or ‘Auprès de l’espoir.’
7. What should we do with the resources we currently have in our parish or diocesan offices?
You can still use all the materials that may be there if it suits your purposes. The Annual Report, for example, or past issues of Under the Sun, which is distributed in your Diocesan paper, will eventually incorporate the new name.
8. When will new annual resources be available?
We will have new annual resources (placemats, bookmarks etc) branded as Alongside Hope in early 2025, for parishes or individuals to order. The March 2025 Under the Sun newsletter will be branded as Alongside Hope but in an otherwise still familiar format.
9. To which organizational name should donors provide donations?
Both. PWRDF and Alongside Hope have the same registered charitable organization number (86643-4640-RR0001) and the organization registration number (376624-1) with Corporations Canada.
Cheques can be written and online donations can be made to PWRDF, to Alongside Hope or to Auprès de l’espoir. Monthly or other recurring donations can continue to be automatically sent to PWRDF. We are in conversation with charity lawyers and other experts who are advising us.
Please note that, going forward, tax receipts will reference ‘Alongside Hope’ and not PWRDF. Tax receipts will include the same familiar graphic icon and, importantly, the same registration number as that of PWRDF.
10. Do I need to change my Will?
No. We are grateful for legacy giving and admire how such giving can sustain our work with partners and communities into the future.
If you have named PWRDF in your Will, you are not required to change it, however, it is recommended you change it at a convenient time so there is no issue when the estate is administered.
It is incumbent on the Executor to identify the organization named in the Will. PWRDF’s website URL ( will be redirected to for years to come. The website will makes clear that Alongside Hope was formerly known as the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF). This will make it simple and easy for your Will Executor to identify us.
In writing a Will that includes a charity such as ours, it is important to include the CRA charitable registration number. This number is registered with the Government of Canada and it WILL NOT change. Our Charity Number as PWRDF and now, as Alongside Hope, is 86643-4640-RR0001. Our organizational number registered with Corporations Canada continues as 376624-1.
While an individual who has named PWRDF in their Will is not required to change their Will and include the name change, they may wish to specify and add the Charity Number with their lawyer and note the new name at a time that is convenient.
11. Do I need to change my life insurance policy that benefits PWRDF?
No. If you have named PWRDF in your life insurance policy you are not required to change your policy documents to include the new name. However, it is recommended that this be done. The information with regards to a name change and effective date will be clear on our website –
In writing a life insurance policy that names a charity such as ours, it is important to include the charitable CRA registration number. This number is registered with the Government of Canada and it WILL NOT change. Our Charity Number as PWRDF and now, as Alongside Hope, is 86643-4640-RR0001. Our organizational number registered with Corporations Canada continues as 376624-1.
12. How much is the name change going to cost?
When the Board mandated a Task Team and a process to identify a new organizational name, they agreed to allocate $100,000. The budget included costs for the creative agency, legal and marketing costs.
Most of the print costs (new letterhead, envelopes etc) are operational costs, that is, we need to replace letterhead from year to year. We have not produced annual resources since 2023 in anticipation of the new name. You may notice some additional advertising for Alongside Hope on social media and in Anglican print media in 2025. We will be making modest but meaningful investments in the new name as we roll it out to our supporters.
13. What are next steps in the roll out and increasing use of Alongside Hope across all of the work of PWRDF and its partners?
The remaining months of 2024 and 2025 leading up to General Synod are important to ensure effective communication of the name. We are notifying our service providers and banking operations and clarifying with them what is required for our agreements and procedures.
We are notifying all our supporters, partners and stakeholder groups and responding to questions and needs for clarification that come to us. We acknowledge this is an important change and that questions and needs for clarification are important for a further and effective sharing of our new name.
Other changes include refreshing our website and social media presence, including the email addresses, public domain reference and signatures on our printed and electronic stationary. We will continue to respond to requests for speaking and sharing at parish, diocesan or other community events, both in-person and online or via pre-recorded video.
Going forward, we will build on the following:
- We are an outreach and proud ministry of the Anglican Church of Canada
- We are a Top 100 Charity and among to Top 20 of international agencies within the methodology and ranking provided by Charity Intelligence
- We are accredited by Imagine Canada for our governance, management and operations
- We contribute to the well being and vitality of the broader faith-based gathering of agencies supporting humanitarian response, shared advocacy and partnership with local community organizations
- Our fundraising and administration costs are below the sector average to ensure funding for programs. Our administration costs include funds for financial reporting and controls.
- Alongside Hope is responding to needs as shared with us by partners around the world including Indigenous partners in Canada: health, healing, livelihoods, engaging youth, respond to the impacts of climate change and caring for all of Creation
- Our mission statement, values and vision continue to anchor and inspire us forward.
Got questions?
Please reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions that are not addressed here. This page will be refreshed to add new responses.