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Call for applicants: Province of B.C./Yukon rep

June 25, 2018

By cedit

Since the dawn of time (well… more like 17 years ago) PWRDF Youth Council members have been challenged by our faith, values, and beliefs to create positive transformation in ourselves and in the global community. We value the power of youth and grassroots development in building relationships both locally and globally.  We share the stories of our partners to inspire youth to be leaders, educators and advocates for living justice.


Youth Council is a group of 14 youth and young adults (16-30 yrs), four representing each ecclesiastical provinces of the Anglican Church of Canada seven in specific roles and three ecumenical partner organizations. This has been great, as it means that there is some guarantee of young people being engaged and represented across the country.


We are in the exciting place and time of being able to welcome a new representative for the ecclesiastical province of British Columbia and Yukon to Youth Council.


The ecclesiastical representative role is to connect the work of PWRDF with youth and young adults in communities across the country. This role involves communication and organization with individuals across one’s ecclesiastical province, with youth and adults alike. We support and encourage each other through this work by connecting twice a year face to face and through the year on phone calls.


The successful candidate is expected to be at the National Gathering in Toronto, September 27-30, 2018.


If this position sounds like it might be a good fit for you or if you have any questions, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out our online application form by August 1!


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For media requests, please email Communications and Marketing Coordinator Janice Biehn at [email protected].



Youth Council

Youth Ministry