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ACT-Caritas Darfur Emergency Response Operation

October 25, 2007

By pwrdf

Since July 2004, Action by Churches Together (ACT) International and Caritas Internationalis have been responding jointly to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Sudan’s Darfur provinces. The Darfur Emergency Response Operation (DERO) has successfully harnessed and channelled the resources of some 60 Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox organisations and their back-donors from around the world into one of the largest humanitarian programs in South and West Darfur, which has proven its capacity to deliver services over a long period in this challenging area.

Below is a situation report on Darfur issued by ACT-Caritas.
September 2007 Situation Report and Fact Sheet
The security situation in Darfur continues to constitute a major challenge for both civilians and the humanitarian community. Within this context, the ACT-Caritas operation is continuing its response as detailed below.
Health and Nutrition
A total number of 24,595 patients visited ACT-Caritas health clinics with 37,298 cases of illness treated. A total number of 2,876 children under five and 2,031 pregnant and lactating women benefited from supplementary feeding during this month. In addition, 5,610 community members participated in health education sessions, which focused on personal hygiene, prevention of diarrhea, prevention of malaria, breastfeeding as well as causes and prevention of malnutrition.
Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit
This month, arrival areas were identified for new internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees. However, it was not possible to conduct all necessary assessments due to security concerns.
In South Darfur, 46 flood-affected households received non-food items (NFI), as they were not covered during an initial NFI distribution last month.
Water and Sanitation
Five new boreholes were drilled in camps and host community areas in West Darfur. In cooperation with school support programs, the construction is nearly complete for ventilated improved pit latrines (four for girls, four for boys) for Abu Baker Elsiddeig School, established in Zalingei by ACT-Caritas implementing partner Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO).
In addition, construction of 22 ventilated improved pit school latrines in Jebel Marra is at roof level and four other school latrines are almost complete. With the arrival of new IDPs, 100 latrine slabs were cast in Hamedia camp in Zalingei.
Hygiene Promotion
In West Darfur, 5,720 households in IDP camps were reached through house-to-house hygiene education messages. Seven mass education sessions using drama shows were conducted in two camps in Zalingei attended by 997 people (239 males, 590 females and 140 children).
Eight cleaning campaigns were conducted in Hassahissa/Shabab and Khamsadagaig camps in Zalingei, attended by 392 people (77 males and 315 females). In addition, 30 people participated in 3 solid waste disposal campaigns and another 30 people participated in two cleaning campaigns in host communities in the Kubum area.
A group discussion with six ACT-Caritas camp hygiene teams (15 members per team) on hand washing, the use of safe water for drinking and house compound cleaning was carried out in Garsilla.
Psychosocial, Peace building and Protection
Awareness-raising sessions were conducted on peace-building and conflict resolution for 100 youth and women from both the El Neem IDP camp and the host community in El Neem in South Darfur. Sixty children also participated in a human rights and child protection session in El Neem. In Kubum, 127 pupils in basic school were taught about child rights. In addition, a medical committee in Elgabalein IDP camp learned about trauma healing.
School Support
Sudan Aid has trained 15 school masters and deputy masters on school administration, humanitarian relationships, educational relationships, child rights as well as awareness raising on HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
An ACT-Caritas assessment mission paid a visit to four IDP school sites in Mershing, seeking ways to rehabilitate three of them and permanently construct one.
Departures and Recruitments
With contracts of some international staff coming to an end, ACT-Caritas has said good-bye to Wilfred Kibwota in Organizational Development and Capacity Building and to the Logistics Manager, Tommy Bouchiba.  New staff are Nyika Musiyazwiriyo, Head of Programmes; Beruk Kabtamu, Capacity Building Officer; and Peter Blanquett, Non-food Item Manager.

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